The background of Russia's current Eastern policy


Putins Eastern policy seems rather controversial. On the one hand, it contradicts the common political vision of the Russian political elite. Dmitri Trenin argues that for centuries the Russian authorities have regarded their Far Eastern neighbours with a sense of superiority and a pinch of contempt. At the same time, all factions of the Russian political elite, irrespective of their attitude toward the US, North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), the European Union (EU), market economy, democracy, human rights, etc., are fixated on the West.[13] This view seems correct. For example, the prognosis for 2002 offered by Russian economic guru Yevgeny Yasin suggested that Russia would expand its cooperation with NATO, while steps could be taken to transform NATO from an anti-Communist alliance to a security tool to protect the Northern Ring, including Russia and Japan.[14]


On the other hand, the Eastern reorientation was prepared by Russias foreign policy development during the last decade. The origin of the initial changes in Soviet/Russian policy towards the Asia Pacific in general and Northeast Asia in particular may be found in the Gorbachev period of the late 1980s. To meet his two major objectives of attracting foreign investment (Japanese, and later South Korean) to his ambiguous programme for economic development in Siberia and the Russian Far East and of historic reconciliation with China, Gorbachev prepared the basis for Moscows new Asian policy by disengaging from most regional conflicts (Afghanistan and Indochina), normalising relations with China, and recognising the Republic of Korea. He also succeeded in initiating dialogue on a wide range of issues with Japan. However, the concentration of efforts on China, Japan, and Korea resulted in narrowing the sphere of Soviet policy in the Asia-Pacific to the Northeast Asian sub-region. There was no comprehensive strategy towards the region as a whole, however, evidenced by the predominant orientation towards a bilateral basis in developing Russian contacts in Northeast Asia, and the low level of cohesion between its actions in the region.


A complicated combination of diverse factors and trends made for inconsistencies in the evolution of Russian policy-making towards Northeast Asia after the USSRs collapse in December 1991. Initially, policy-making was seriously affected by the Atlantic-oriented line. This entailed the pursuit of the goal of joining the club of Western democracies and becoming integrated into the democratic international community (the so-called Kozyrev doctrine). In this context, East Asia looked less important and less promising. Gorbachevs major partners in the region, the Republic of Korea and mainland China, were very circumspect toward the new Russia. Seoul had already achieved its basic political goals of recognition and establishing diplomatic relations. Besides, South Korea shared with the West a common admiration of Gorbachev and a skepticism towards Yeltsin, and the feeling that the world owed much to Gorbachevs Soviet Union, but nothing to Yeltsins postcommunist Russia. Korea did not participate in the international campaign to relieve Russia's economic hardships in early 1992, and was the first to stress the uncertain status of loans to the Soviet Union inherited by Russia (Soviet debt to Korea was US$1.5 billion) and froze the undisbursed part of its US$3 billion loan.


China looked even more problematic. It was among the nations which recognised the State Emergency Committee in the attempted coup dtat of August 1991. It was deeply suspicious of the new Russian reformism and possible effects of the demise of Soviet socialism on its own future. In addition, Russia's efforts to integrate into the democratic community coincided with a strong campaign in the West to protect human rights in China after the Tiananmen incident. Russia's participation in the crusade aggravated relations with Beijing.


In these circumstances, only Japan was perceived as an attractive partner. It was a member of the Western community with an influential voice in international financial institutions, an ally badly needed by Russia. Initially, Russia had a vision of quickly settling bilateral relations with an alternative to Gorbachevs policy. Yeltsins advisors on Japanese issues promised success. Therefore the initial attention paid to Japan reflected not a regional policy, but a bilateral approach influenced by Atlanticism. Nevertheless, in a sense, early 1992 offered an opportunity for elaborating a radically new Russian approach to Northeast Asia, with an emphasis on relations with Japan integrated into the Atlantic-oriented Kozyrev doctrine.


However, this met fierce domestic political opposition, first of all from the Communists and Vladimir Zhirinovskys Liberal-Democratic Party, who tried to play the card of patriotism to attract more voters. From the very beginning, this foreign policy line was attacked by opposition groups, which insisted on a more versatile Asian dimension, as opposed to then foreign minister Kozyrevs emphasis on cooperation with the West. The Asian partners favoured were China and India, rather than Japan. The Kurile Islands dispute complicating Russo-Japanese relations enabled the opposition to identify it as the most important area for an assault on the foreign policy of the presidential administration. It should be noted that Japans inflexible position at the time meant that the solution of the Northern territories problem was a prerequisite for any other discussions. These moves deprived President Yeltsin of any space for domestic political manoeuver to secure economic advantages by settling the dispute. In the end, afraid to add to the territorial debate, and thereby intensify confrontation with the opposition in general and the Supreme Soviet in particular over a wide range of issues, Yeltsins administration removed Japan from the list of Russias top priorities by 1993.


From late 1992 to early 1993, the Yeltsin administrations major attention in the Asia-Pacific turned to broader regional problems. It particularly concentrated on participation in regional institutions. Russias formal entry to the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), with its concern with arms control and confidence-building measures - traditionally high priorities for Moscow combined with increased tension over North Korea's nuclear build-up, enabled Russia to initiate proposal of a 6+2 conference on the Korean Peninsula in order to upgrade its role as mediator in a conflict situation. At the same time, the activation of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) presented a chance to promote an intensive regional policy, irrespective of complications in bilateral relations. This new potential guideline for Russias Asia Pacific policy seemed appropriately timed.


1993 revealed strong domestic nostalgia for Russias 'great power' role. There was also disillusion over the earlier unquestioning enthusiasm about cooperation with the West and disappointment with the level of the Wests economic support. The 'Oriental alternative' in foreign policy grew increasingly popular. Expectations for Russias increased activity in the Asia-Pacific region, based on independent Russian initiatives, though not confronting the West, and aimed at mutually acceptable solutions, can be regarded an important landmark in Russian foreign policy. These efforts to change from unquestioning support for American strategic initiatives, without challenging the general orientation towards close cooperation with the West, were a significant development.


This broader approach was undermined by the inability to obtain rapid admission to the forum of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation.[15] This delay isolated Russia from general trends towards regional economic cooperation and, perhaps even more detrimental to national ambitions, prevented its participation in Asia-Pacific summits, thereby restricting Moscow to a low political profile in Asian affairs.


Russias new policy in the Asia Pacific encountered yet another obstacle the lack of support for Russias 6+2 formula for the international conference on Korean nuclear issues. Though never flatly rejected, the idea did not succeed in winning support even from ROK president Kim Young Sam, whom Russia regarded as a real supporter. The formation of the Korean Energy Development Organisation (KEDO), which opted for US nuclear reactors and proposed only a minor role for Russia, became the obstacle to establishing an active profile in the Asia-Pacific.


Despite efforts to revive its strong influence in international affairs, Russia was unable to secure a leading position in shaping Asian politics. One of its basic shortcomings was its lack of resources, primarily financial, for exerting a strong influence. A second, and no less important, point was that Russia lacked a network of potential partners in Asia. This is a result of the former Soviet Union's alienation within the region, and the loss of former allies, or cooling of relations with them. No new paradigm for bilateral Russian relations with Asian nations was yet elaborated, nor were sufficient efforts being made to build them. Moscows Euro-centric vision and efforts to transplant European solutions onto Asian soil only added to the problems.


As noted above, Russias Asian policy is largely viewed as a function of its Western line. On this point, Vladimir Baranovsky is right to argue that Russia views as potential assets its perceived commonality of interests with some of its Asian neighbours, and the possibility of forging short- and long-term alliances on specific issues, especially in view of its present weakness and the disappointment of its expectations of rapprochement with the West.[16]


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[13] D. Trenin. Russias China Problem, Moscow Carnegie Center: May 1999, pp.9-10

[14] Ye. Yasin, I. Artemiev. Russia in 2002, <> [28 December 2001]

[15] I would agree with the following conclusion by Anna V. Shkuropat: In many ways, the decision to seek entry into APEC was essentially a political one, without any particularly detailed assessment of prospective benefits or how best to take advantage of APEC membership. The acceptance of Russias bid for membership by other APEC members, including the important factor of Japanese support, should also be seen as largely political, since there were factors which could have argued that more effective or earlier results in APEC might have been achieved without enlarging the membership group and that Russia did not necessarily meet some of the membership criteria. In the case of Japan, an important view seems to have been that there was a global need to engage Russia more actively in the international economic system. At least some of APECs leaders saw accepting Russia into the APEC community as a means of supporting Russia in its economic reforms and its move to a more open economy, and of increasing security through greater interaction and increasing trade. (Anna V. Shkuropat , Assessing Russias Entry into APEC, prepared for APEC Study Centre Consortium
1999 Conference Towards APECs Second Decade: Challenges, Opportunities And Priorities (31 May 2 June 1999, Auckland, New Zealand)), < Shkuropat.html>, [15 December 2002]

[16] V. Baranovsky, Russia and Asia: challenges and opportunities for national and international security, In: G Chufrin (ed.), Russia and Asia: The Emerging Security Agenda, SIPRI, Oxford University Press, 1999, p.16

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